How to detox your body naturally using celery pineapple and ginger.


How to detox your body naturally using celery, pineapple & ginger.

Celerys benefit for loosing weight :
Celery is most of all a very easily digested and healthy vegetable: comprised of 95% water, it both hydrates and cleanses us at the same time, eliminating toxins andfluid retention within the body.   
fluid retention within the body.   Let’s take a look at all of its benefits.
* It contains essential oils like limonene, selenium and asparagine, which is how it obtains it cleansing and diuretic abilities.  These properties are mostly in the stalk, the seeds, and less so in the leaves.
* It has a satiating effect. 
* It has antibacterial properties, eliminating infections and toxins.
* Improves kidney transport.
* Contains minerals like potassium and sodium, as well as vitamin B1, B2, and B6, basic for skin, hair, and eye care.
* Regulates cholesterol and improves circulation.
* Accelerates digestion, eliminates gasses.

Celery offers the possibility to eliminate fat thanks to its diuretic , cleansing and satiating function  where as pineapple contains Bromelain:Which is a proteolytic digestive enzyme, bromeliad aids in the digestion of proteins, working to break proteins down into amino acids. Ginger also aids in digestion: As a digestive aid, ginger can reduce appetite through its regulatory effects on blood sugar and serum cholesterol. 

What you will need :
2 sticks of celery
1 cup of water (200 ml)
½ spoon of ginger (5 g)
½ cup of chopped pineapple  (77 g)

Wash all veggies and fruit thoroughly , add your water , followed by the I/2 spoon of ginger then your chopped pineapple and celery sticks... and blend away.... Enjoy 

Note: this smoothy is best served before breakfast.Twice a day if you'd like for about 2 or 3 weeks.

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