How to lighten hair without bleach.
Hi guys so here is why chamomile is great for lightening your hair because chamomile contains three flavonoids (what gives plants their pigmentation) called apigen, quercetin, and azulene. Apigen is a natural chemical that has been found to help reduce the lifespan of cancerous cells, as well as brighten hair when combined with azulene (a dark blue chamomile extract). On the other hand, quercetin is what lightens the hair. Quercetin is an inhibitor of tyrosinase an enzyme that limits the production of melanin — the same chemical that darkens skin and hair. When all three of these components come together and are applied to hair repeatedly, they will gradually lighten it one application at a time.
This process has a brightening effect, especially if you have light tresses. Brunettes benefit as well with a subtle brightening, rather than a total change of color. It also works to gently lighten salon highlights without damaging professional jobs. Continue to rinse with this mixture every couple of days to slowly change your hair and keep the golden highlights coming. You can also add honey to the mixture. Honey has an enzyme called glucose oxidase that produces hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide acts as a bleaching agent when applied to your gorgeous locks. Much like the way you can lighten hair with lemon, using honey as a natural bleach is a multi-step process that brightens hair in stages it strips your natural pigment from the strand of hair . You can also add Cinnamon which is great because
naturally has peroxide that is known for lightening your hair.
What you will need:
1. About 4 tablespoons of Chamomile seeds
2. 6 fresh squeezed lemons
3. 5 Cinnamon sticks
4. 3 table spoons of honey
First you want to boil 2cup in half of water and add the chamomile seeds along with the sticks of cinnamon . After it has boiled you want to put it in a bowl and add your 3 spoons of honey while mixing and when cool you would add your freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Also because this can take about 4 weeks its best to lightly with a spray bottle spritz the chamomile tea with a little bit lemon juice about 2tablespoons and an oil of your choine just a drop to your hair daily for about 4weeks naturally has peroxide that is known for lightening your hair. ..
Now back to the mixture, you want to apply this mixture and leave it on for 3 to 4 hours. Shampoo and condition and for best results leave a little of the chamomile tea mixed with cinnamon and rinse your hair out with it after the shampoo and conditioner and leave in for few days for u will be adding daily the spritz , the drop oil is so that the acidity of the lemon in the spritz doesn't dry your hair out. Hope this was helpful . enjoy.
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This process has a brightening effect, especially if you have light tresses. Brunettes benefit as well with a subtle brightening, rather than a total change of color. It also works to gently lighten salon highlights without damaging professional jobs. Continue to rinse with this mixture every couple of days to slowly change your hair and keep the golden highlights coming. You can also add honey to the mixture. Honey has an enzyme called glucose oxidase that produces hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide acts as a bleaching agent when applied to your gorgeous locks. Much like the way you can lighten hair with lemon, using honey as a natural bleach is a multi-step process that brightens hair in stages it strips your natural pigment from the strand of hair . You can also add Cinnamon which is great because
naturally has peroxide that is known for lightening your hair.
What you will need:
1. About 4 tablespoons of Chamomile seeds
2. 6 fresh squeezed lemons
3. 5 Cinnamon sticks
4. 3 table spoons of honey
First you want to boil 2cup in half of water and add the chamomile seeds along with the sticks of cinnamon . After it has boiled you want to put it in a bowl and add your 3 spoons of honey while mixing and when cool you would add your freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Also because this can take about 4 weeks its best to lightly with a spray bottle spritz the chamomile tea with a little bit lemon juice about 2tablespoons and an oil of your choine just a drop to your hair daily for about 4weeks naturally has peroxide that is known for lightening your hair. ..
Now back to the mixture, you want to apply this mixture and leave it on for 3 to 4 hours. Shampoo and condition and for best results leave a little of the chamomile tea mixed with cinnamon and rinse your hair out with it after the shampoo and conditioner and leave in for few days for u will be adding daily the spritz , the drop oil is so that the acidity of the lemon in the spritz doesn't dry your hair out. Hope this was helpful . enjoy.
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